The Basics of Tasawwuf (Purification of heart)
(This chapter is by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi)
1- Definition: Purification of the heart.
True devotion to Allah in the ways He likes by the means He likes.
... Acting upon knowledge;
Acquiring the good characters and getting rid of the bad.
True devotion to Allah in the ways He likes by the means He likes.
... Acting upon knowledge;
Acquiring the good characters and getting rid of the bad.
2- Subject: Allah, as how He can be known; or hearts
& souls, as how to purify them.
3- Fruit: The purification of the heart and knowing the
Master of the worlds and attaining the Station of ihsân.
4- Merit: Tasawwuf is of high merit. Its nobility stems
from its subject. Ihsân is one of the three levels of this deen and
the highest.
5- Relation to other disciplines: It is the base of the
Sharia; without it acts of worship become imperfect. It is the core of
Quran and Sunnah and the tissue of Muslims spiritual life.
6- Name: The word "tasawwuf" is derrived from
souf (wool). Tasawwuf has been known by this name since the second century of
hijra, i.e. the time of the salaf. It has been frequently called `ilm as-Sulûk
(initiatic traveling & spiritual behaviour), `ilm al-Ihsân, `ilm
at-Tarbiyah (cultivation) or `ilm at-Tazkiyah (purification).
7- The pioneer: The pioneer of this branch of knowledge
is of course the Prophet
. Many hadiths
highlight the spiritual dimension of a Muslim's life.[2.2]The earliest scholar
who elaborated on it is al-Hasan al-Basriy.

8- Sources: Tasawwuf is derived from Quran and Sunnah[2.1].The sayings of the
great scholars represent a rich treasure for the seekers and the masters.[07]
9- Ruling: Acquiring tasawwuf is fard i.e. obligatory;
since all human beings are susceptable to sins save for Prophets. Imam Abul
Hasan ash-Shadiliy said:
“He who does not truly acquire this discipline will die persisting on major sins without being aware of it.”
10- What it tackles: Tasawwuf tackles some of the
cardinal elements of the deen such as sincerity; truthfulness; religious
cautioness (wara'); conscious awareness (khushû') reliance;
asceticism; love; and similarly their opposites, which are the diseases of the
hearts such as insincerity; hypocrisy; arrogance; greed etc.
It also tackles subtle subjects such as the passing of thoughts; the states of the heart; inspirations. One of its most important subjects is dhikr, the remembrance (i.e. in the evocation & recitation of the name) of Allah and its virtues; another is the shaykh and his qualifications, the disciple, murid, and his adab.
11- Basic works in tasawwuf:
- The Beauty of the Righteous by al-Hafiz Abu Nuaym al-Asfahani
- The Revival of the Sciences of the Deen- (Ihya) al-Imam al- Ghazali
- Al-Risalah of Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayriy
- The Aphorisms, al-Hikam, of Imam Ibn Atta'illah
- Revelation of the Unseen by Imam Abdul Qadir al-Jaylaniy
- Awarif Al-Ma'arif, by al-Suhrawardi
- Qawa'id Al-Tasawwuf, by Imam Ahmad Zarooq
- The Beauty of the Righteous by al-Hafiz Abu Nuaym al-Asfahani
- The Revival of the Sciences of the Deen- (Ihya) al-Imam al- Ghazali
- Al-Risalah of Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayriy
- The Aphorisms, al-Hikam, of Imam Ibn Atta'illah
- Revelation of the Unseen by Imam Abdul Qadir al-Jaylaniy
- Awarif Al-Ma'arif, by al-Suhrawardi
- Qawa'id Al-Tasawwuf, by Imam Ahmad Zarooq
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